Start A Waterless Car Wash Business

Start A Waterless Car Wash Business Starting a Waterless Car Wash business or integrating a Waterless Car Wash into your existing car washing business is a simple process. Green Duck Waterless Car Wash is a highly efficacious, proven system that solves an everyday problem for businesses and consumers anywhere. It conserves...

Some Sad But True Facts

Some Sad But True Facts India's 1.1 billion people need access to clean drinking water Currently 30% of the rural population lack access to drinking water and of the 35 states in India, only 7 have full availability of drinking water for rural inhabitants. Water is typically available for only...

Why Go Waterless

Why Go Waterless A recent estimate says the total number of private cars in India will be 400 - 450 million in the next 20 years or so. Now we have nearly 70 million. If even 50% owners wash their cars on a daily basis with a mere 5 litres...

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